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Europäische Programme Schule

eTwinning Onsite Course for Teachers in Sarajewo

07. November 2024 um 14:00 Uhr - 09. November 2024 um 14:00 Uhr

Von 7. bis 9. November findet in Sarajewo, Bosnien und Herzegowina ein internationaler eTwinning Onsite Course for Secondary and IVET Teachers zum Thema "Integrating EU values into the classroom" statt.

Veranstaltungsort ist das Novotel Sarajevo Bristol.

Ziele der Veranstaltung:

  • Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus Europa kennenlernen,
  • neue Lehrmethoden kennenlernen,
  • erfahren, wie eTwinning in der Sekundarstufe eingesetzt werden kann.


According to the Journal of the European Union (2012) , “the peoples of Europe, in creating an ever-closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values". This coupled with the European Union being founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity, places the citizens at the heart of its activities by creating an area of freedom, security, and justice. At a time when democracy is under pressure and cannot be taken for granted, the ministers have refined, and new policies have come to highlight and prioritise the contribution of education and training to strengthen European values and democratic citizenship. European values are the norms and values that Europeans are said to have in common, and which transcend national or state identity, these values are human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and human rights (Ivic., 2019). According to the Council of Europe (2023):

“education for democratic citizenship should be based on the development of key competences, including the social, cultural and emotional dimensions, as well as the ability for critical thinking and reflection. It should be based on teaching and learning through, about and for democracy and, in particular, on citizenship competence as the ability to act as a responsible citizen and fully participate in civic and social life, both offline and online, not only at local and national level, but also at European and international level”.

As educators, we play a vital role in providing education and training to shape the future of Europe. Education for democratic citizenship is essential for strengthening Europe's resilience during crises and significant changes. It should be a key focus in education and training policies, as it teaches common European values and democratic participation. This is important not only within educational settings but also for wider society. All EU citizens, including newcomers and migrants, need to develop the skills to actively and responsibly participate in society.

For secondary school children, citizenship education is crucial because it fosters self-assurance, a sense of agency, and the capacity to deal with issues like bullying and prejudice. It gives them the ability to speak up in their communities and schools and equips them with the knowledge of their rights and duties to contribute positively (Young Citizens., 2021). According to the Eurydice (2017) study, national curricula place less emphasis on citizenship education for IVET students than they do on general education, despite stating that they prioritise and promote citizenship education. Less content is given to IVET students that contains citizenship education components, and there are sometimes no specialised citizenship education courses offered.

Goal and objectives

The three-day event aims to equip eTwinning teachers from lower and upper secondary school as well as IVET eTwinners, with the knowledge and tools to effectively promote the European identity and values within their classrooms. In alignment with the European Council’s call (2023) to promote common European values and democratic citizenship, in all levels of education, this event will provide educators with the necessary tools to cultivate responsible citizens in Europe by fostering its values, media literacy, and inclusive learning environments, while promoting active participation for all.

Zielgruppe: Lehrkräfte der Sekundarstufe sowie berufsbildender Schulen, registrierte eTwinner/innen (Anfänger/innen und Fortgeschrittene)

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, aber noch nicht Teil der eTwinning-Community sind, können Sie sich als Pädagogin/Pädagoge jederzeit auf der neuen European School Education Platform mit einem EU Login registrieren.

Sprache: Englisch

Programm: Details folgen

Veranstaltungszeiten: Details folgen

Bewerbung: Interessierte Lehrkräfte können sich bis 18. September über das eTwinning-Mobilitätsportal bewerben. Die Anträge werden nach Einsendeschluss in der nationalen Agentur für Erasmus+ evaluiert und die Antragsteller/innen über das Ergebnis des Auswahlverfahrens per E-Mail benachrichtigt. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie in den Bewerbungsmodalitäten.

Kostenübernahme: Für die ausgewählten Antragsteller/innen übernimmt der OeAD als nationale Agentur für Erasmus+/eTwinning-Österreich die Übernachtungskosten und leistet einen Zuschuss zu den Reisekosten. Konferenzgebühr und Verpflegung werden aus zentralen Mitteln der EU zur Verfügung gestellt.

Anmerkungen zu den Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten

Ansprechperson: Katrin  

Bewerbungsschluss: 18. September 2024

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